Thursday, October 21, 2010

Silhouette Project

  • Silhouette Project
  • I designed this for Digital Design I
  • Starting this project was frusterating. First you had "cut" the picture from the background that it was taken on and pasteit to a new document. Then doing that with the other two pictures as well. After that, I positioned the pictures the way i wanted them and used the gradient tool to "color" them. I used Photoshop to make it. My inspiration to make this was Andy Warhol. And, this project is finished.
  • The main problem I had was trying to get the background to change to the color I wanted, and finding the right color scheme.  
  • My assesssment would be that it could definetly use some fizzle, but idk what fizzle it needs. Therefore, I left it blank. (;  It most definetly needs more work.

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