Monday, December 13, 2010

Movie Poster

  • Movie Poster Project: we were to make our own movie poster.
  • This was for Digital Desing I.
  • I didn't really have any inspiration. I used Photoshop to finish this project.
  • The only problem I had was trying to figure out where to put all of the people.
  • I think that the overall success is pretty well. There are some things that could be changed. Like trying to figure out what to put in the background.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Drawing Poster

  • Drawing Poster: we were supposed to make a poster for either figure drawing or drawing class.
  • This was for Digital Design I. But the art teacher Mr. Wright is going to choose which one he likes to advertise drawing/figure drawing class.
  • The main problem that I had was trying to get the pictures to go with the background. I used Photoshop to finish this project.
  • I think that this project didn't turn out to bad. It probably could've used more work, but for the little time that it took to make it, it's not all that bad.


  • Cyborg: we were supposed to turn ourselves into part robot part human.
  • This was for Digital Design I.
  • My inspiration was the movie Robots. I used pictures from the internet to put his together. I used Photoshop to finish this project.
  • The main problem that I had was trying to find the right robot parts to use.
  • I'm not very happy with this project. I didn't really care for it, and that went into making it. Therefore, the project is not all that great.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's On Your Mind??

  • Whats On Your Mind?? We were to think of something then put it in our head.
  • This was for Digital Design I.
  • My inspiration for doing the Spongebob theme was that i <3 Spongebob, so it wasn't to hard to figure out that I wanted to do the Spongebob gang. I found pictures and used them to put this project together. I used Photoshop to finish this project.
  • The main problem that I had was trying to find the characters that has the entire body and not just the top part of the body.
  • Over all, I think that this assignment went fairly well.